Twilight Sucks! (go back »)

November 9 2008, 6:27 PM

Seriously! I think Twilight fucking sucks. The book and movie is such a disgrace to the vampire genre.

Vampires shouldn't be fucking dating whiney teenagers. Vampires are suppose to be terrifying like ripping the neck off someone not protecting their bitchy "lover".

Vampire aren't suppose to sparkle either! What the fuck is up with that? Plus, do you think Edward's hair could be anymore taller? Did he become a vampire in the Grease era? What the hell!


*At this point I think you can tell I hate Twilight*


It's just another trend like Harry Potter. It will die down eventually. I seriously can't wait till it does die down.


You might be thinking: "What made her hate Twilight so freaking much"?

Well, after seeing people make banners, icons, layouts using the same limited pictures and seeing people make their own trailer of the damn movie on youtube you get a little irritated.


You might also be thinking: "Did she even read any of the books to make such a hard judgement"?

Well, I read the first and last page of Twilight and I was literally falling asleep. When a writer starts to write a book they have to make the first page as interesting as possible but I actually had one eye open near the middle of the first page trying not to sleep and drool on it. (Which, I should have.)


Well that's it! I'm done with my rant and I can't wait for all the Twilight fans to come and bitch at me. You can do or type anything you want! You're the only person who's going to be mad and I'll be the one laughing at you.


*To everyone who agrees that Twilight sucks along with the other books.... AWESOME!*

Let the arguing begin, if it does.






Ha-ha, Kristen Stewart is a fucking pot-head! What's wrong Bella, got tired of chasing after a glaring man who refuses to love you and wants to make you afraid of him?


What the hell is up with Rob to? From the pictures I've seen from TMZ he's a drunk. Maybe the beer is being stored in his forehead and that's why it's SO big that you can land a plane on it. HA!


Twilight still SUCK!


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